Daniela Groza

Daniela Groza is a taxi driver and non-binary photographer living and working in New York and Romania. Her photography work can be seen on danielagroza.com, queerjoy.world, and queero.org, an archival project recording images and stories from women and woman-identifying individuals from the Romanian queer community. Daniela is the founder of bekindforreal.org, a humanitarian project focusing on helping a family living on the outskirts of Bucharest. She occasionally writes for Elle Magazine, New York Arts Magazine, and contributes to the Romanian publications DoR, SCENA9 , and CUTRA. Her first TEDx talk took place in February 2021. Reach out on Instagram @bekindforreal or email.

1 Articles Published | Follow:
A Letter to My Young Self

At eight years old, everything is alive, and everything deserves love and companionship, which, come to think of it, even at 37 years of age, still makes sense.